Bestseller Experiment Podcast

Michael and I were interviewed for the Bestseller Experiment Podcast to talk about the process of creative writing with a partner. I’ve been a fan and patron of BXP for many years and have taken a lot of inspiration from hosts Mark Stay and Mark Deveaux.

It was a bit of an awkward interview having both of us online from different locations, but Michael injected a lot of energy and humor. We don’t always agree and the process certainly had its ups and downs, but the book came out much better as a result of having two authors than the early solo drafts would have suggested.

You can listen to the podcast on the web at or download it to your favorite podcast app. If you’re an aspiring writer, I encourage you to listen to some of the past episodes of BXP. There’s an awful lot of insight and inspiration to be had.

Also, for a chance to win a copy of The Man From Mittelwerk audiobook, send an email to:


Zack Urlocker is a tech executive, writer, musician, cyclist and occasional marathon runner.


Available in French: L’Homme de Mittelwerk


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